Hormones / Hormone Treatment

Hormone Treatment (General):

Hormones control our well-being, regulate metabolism, the cardiovascular system, and our sleep. Therefore, disturbances in the hormonal balance should be precisely treated with hormone therapy. Hormone therapy always involves intervention in complex hormone cycles. A long-term therapy with hormones programs the cells and causes permanent, sometimes even lifelong changes.

The initiation of hormone therapy depends on the timing of therapy initiation (for example, menopause), the daily rhythm (for example, thyroid hormones in Hashimoto's disease), and the dosage. Hormones used to treat gland function disorders are always "bioidentical" and "naturally identical", otherwise, they would not be effective. Hormones help restore the well-being of both men and women. Therefore, it is important to customize hormone therapy individually.

Hormone Therapy for Thyroid Diseases and Severe Stress:

For patients with thyroid diseases, it is important to consider what other accompanying diseases are present. It is crucial to know that thyroid hormones not only change our stress sensitivity but also affect sleep quality.

Hormone Therapy during Menopause:

Almost 20% of women go through menopause without any complaints. For patients with complaints, simple changes in diet and lifestyle often help. Hormone therapy should be initiated when these measures do not improve well-being. It is important: Women in menopause manage hormone therapy themselves ("personalized medicine"). In case of persistent complaints, often associated with a lower quality of life, therapy with the main hormones such as estrogen and progesterone should not be delayed. The earlier it starts, the more diverse the positive effects of hormone therapy.

Hormones, Hormone Therapy, and Aging:

Hormones adapt to our aging. This must also be considered in hormone administration for certain endocrinological diseases. Therapy with thyroid hormone in a twenty-year-old should be different from that in a seventy-year-old woman. Similarly, it is with testosterone in aging men. Therefore, hormone therapy should always be understood holistically: accompanying diseases and age must be considered.

Hormones and Sports:

Exercise controls our well-being. The intensity and duration of sports can change hormone cycles. For patients receiving hormone therapy, it is important to consider athletic performance when dosing hormones.

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